SecureLife secures every aspect of your Life

I’ve long called the app the Ultimate Life Backup System. Why? Because just like a generator to provide backup power in case of an outage, the SecureLife app acts as a backup plan, in case something goes awry.

I was sitting on my sofa recovering from torn rotator cuff surgery, when I realized that, although I had amazing friends who would check on me every day or two, a LOT could happen in between their calls or texts. I couldn’t drive. I lived in a two story. What if I fell down the stairs? How long would I lay there before I was found? What if I hit my head? I could die from that. How long would it be before my cats were taken care of? I didn’t want them to go hungry.

And so began the story of SecureLife. I began mentally walking through every step of what would need to happen to take care of me, my home, my cats, and my belongings, if I did fall, or got a post op infection. How would I get help? How soon? How would they enter my home? Do I have documents governing my care? Who has them? Does that person know where they are.

The rest is history. Not every step of a care journey is incorporated in this initial release, but they are all coming. See the Features page for a full list.

How It Works

Make A Profile

Beyond the basics, SecureLife stores your blood type, medical conditions, allergies, dietary restrictions, home access instructions, contacts, if you have an EpiPen or Narcan for an emergency, and any assistance skills or devices you may have and are willing to share, and any medical training you may have.

Download It

SecureLife is a PWA app, so downloads slightly differently from an app in the Google Play Store™ or Apple ™ Store. We’ll have the app there soon enough. For now, just follow the instructions on the Get App page and enjoy the security of SecureLife.

Request CheckOns™

Regardless of where you are, what you’re doing, or how often you want to be CheckedOn, you can set that up in SecureLife. See the Meet Our Users page for profiles of who all can benefit from SecureLife.

Collage of SecureLife Assistance Request, Medical Conditions and Dietary Restrictions, Contacts Setup and More Account Details screens
Sandy Eulitt

Sandy Eulitt

CEO and Founder

Sandy Eulitt has a lengthy career history in almost aspects of technology, and intimate knowledge of the US healthcare system.

She has two cats, Mizar and Dubhe, enjoys astronomy, wine, and dancing in her spare time, and is a passionate Notre Dame football fan.

Contact Us


Phone: 858-848-0860



Headquarters: Aliso Viejo, CA